Blog Updates

On Injuring Yourself in Japan

Super Speed Exactly three weeks ago, I was in a rush to change trains in the early morning hours when I lost my balance on a staircase. I was in quite the hurry to make the next train, so using my Flash-like supernatural speed, I attempted to use the last step of the staircase to change directions […]


A New Model for Testimony

I had a thought about a new model for testimony. When I say “new,” I mean new relative to what we’re doing now in turn-of-the-millennium  in America because this model for testimony has existed for quite some time — I’ll get to that later. A short disclaimer: if you’re reading this thinking, “Erich heard my […]

Blog Public Speaking

Battle Creek Message

An approximate transcription of a few stories I shared at the Japanese Language Worship Service in Battle Creek, MI on Saturday, October 19, 2013. Introducing Erich & Emi Good evening. My name is Erich Boileau and this is my wife Emi. I’ve been part of the Japanese Christian community in West Michigan for about a […]